The most recent knowledge base articles are directly below, but if you’re looking for something specific, please use our search function.

Michael Singh Michael Singh

What are Email Blacklists? If I’m on one, how do I get off of it?

We’ve all been there: someone sent out something they shouldn’t have (or a lot of something!) and now your domain is being reported as a spammer.

Email deliverability has fallen off a cliff and your messages aren’t arriving to your recipients.

What do you do now? Read on to learn about email blacklists, how to get off of them and how to prevent getting on them in the first place.

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Michael Singh Michael Singh

Changing DNS Records to Point to UpStream

Adjusting MX records to a new email filtering service can be daunting, especially due to how uncommon it is. When was the last time you had to do it? Can’t remember, right?

Well, no worries. We’ve compiled walkthroughs for the most popular DNS providers out there and can help take you through any of them and more.

Read on to find the exact steps you need to make the best change to your filtering services yet.

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Michael Singh Michael Singh

Switching Between Multiple Domains

Many organizations have multiple domains being filtered by UpStream simultaneously.

This short guide covers how to switch between them rapidly to get a view of each individual domain’s results.

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Michael Singh Michael Singh

Configuring Dynamic Link Scanning (Link Lock)

Email filtering engines scan each incoming email for known threats; if the message is deemed safe, it gets delivered to the recipient's inbox.

But what if an attacker changes the email content after scans are complete?

Read on to learn how to configure UpStream's Dynamic Link Scanning to protect your domain from this insidious tactic.

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Michael Singh Michael Singh

Configuring GeoBlocking

Want to drastically reduce your attack surface to the Nigerian Prince’s of the world? Getting a lot of pesky overseas spammers blasting your organization?

Come with us on a tour of GeoBlocking and how it can remove a great number of the threats attacking your users daily, while still allowing for the international communications you need.

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Michael Singh Michael Singh

Best Practices: Identifying and Blocking Spam

So, you’re received a spam email. What should you do next?

This guide covers the steps used to identify its true origin (not just what it says in the From Field) and how to block it for the future using UpStream’s many custom filters.

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